Florida Manufacturers Healthcare Consortium
At this critical time, we are helping regional employers pivot their healthcare overspend back to jobs, growth and EBITDA.

We show CFOs how to control their healthcare spend and HR how to return medical justice to working families.
Healthcare consulting engagements are guaranteed to drive 10X savings.

The problem to be solved...
To offset ever rising health insurance rates, too many employers have scaled back their long term employment, growth, and EBITDA goals.
So to protect the regional economy we serve, the Consortium works with CFOs and stakeholders to improve both healthcare outcomes and costs.

To get there, we have developed offer healthcare supply chain consulting to plan fiduciaries.
...it all starts with a review of your plan.
We develop a blueprint of opportunities to improve employee health outcomes and free-up cash flow for corporate growth. In select cases, our program consultants will agree to take over as broker of record.
Now is the time to act ...because when you get that 2024 rate increase, it will be too late.

Call to begin the process of taking back control of your healthcare overspend.